Продукти за лита лампа (19)

Бял Мускус - Есенция за Пране

Бял Мускус - Есенция за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Muschio Bianco è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Alle dolci note floreali viene aggiunto un forte carattere muschiato, immediatamente percepibile nel tessuto come una composizione musicale. L’armonia di un accordo dipende dall’equilibrio e dalle proporzioni olfattive di ogni nota. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciac­quo. Profuma Bucato Muschio Bianco è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Лимонова Колоня 100ML

Лимонова Колоня 100ML

İçeriğindeki %80 alkol ile, yüksek derecede virüs ve bakteri oluşumunu engeller. İçerdiği doğal Limon özleriyle bir yandan ferahlık verirken, bir diğer yandan hijyenik açıdan yüksek koruma sağlar. ml:100




Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W) Organik Madde 15 Alginik Asit 0,5 Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)3 pH 8-10 Ürün Özellikleri Karaca, toz formunda elden edilen deniz yosunu kaynaklı özel enzim, organik ve doğal içerikli mükemmel bir üründür. Giberellik, alginik asit ve sitokiler gibi doğal bitki enzimleri içerir. Toprağa verilen alginik asitler, besin elementlerinin alım etkinliğinin artırılması yanında, bitki bünyesine alınan besin elementlerinin meyve ve tane oluşumuna-dönüşümüne hizmet eder.
Арника маз

Арника маз

The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.
Агартa Лимон Колоня 200 мл 80 градуса

Агартa Лимон Колоня 200 мл 80 градуса

Our product is packaged in 200 ml sizes and its alcohol ratio is 80 degrees. Lemon, which is one of the most energizing citrus fruits, and its essence come together in the Agarthe cologne and offer a wonderful coolness and freshness. Agarta Lemon Cologne is there to make you reach that feeling SKU:8779808 UPC:AGK-86965441
Балсам за ръце 150 мл

Балсам за ръце 150 мл

Un baume naturel au beurre de karité


In der Kosmetikserie von apiserun finden Sie die unvergleichliche Kombination von Gelee Royale und ausgesuchten natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE ist ein erfrischendes Tonic für die reifere und regenerationsbedürftige Haut mit Straffungseffekt. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Wirkstoffe: • Gelée Royal • Karottenextrakt • Rosenöl • Geraniumöl
POM - Полиоксиметилен

POM - Полиоксиметилен

Sheets and rods.
Ексфолиант за Лице

Ексфолиант за Лице

Exfoliant pour le visage Kératorégulateur, spécifique pour éliminer les vieilles cellules dévitalisées de la Kératine superficielles, la graisse de la peau et les impuretés des pores, empêchant ainsi les boutons et les points noirs. UGS:EXVMEL02-01


Se il profumo è un’emozione, con Hyaluro Parfum diviene anche una fonte di bellezza. Inebriarsi con il proprio profumo preferito, che sia delicato o intenso, è un piacere unico e avvolgente non solo per il corpo, ma anche per la sfera delle emozioni, che ne trae beneficio lasciandosi catturare dalla morbida sensualità di un aroma gradevole e penetrante, provocando una serie di sensazioni che coinvolge positivamente anche l’umore e lo stato d’animo.
Лимонена трева

Лимонена трева

LEMON BALM – a dietary supplement which facilitates body relaxation and has a positive effect on sleep and well-being.
Ergytonyl - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

Ergytonyl - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

ERGYTONYL contains a trio of invigorating plants. Eleutherococcus aids adaptogenic activity and optimises mental and physical abilities in the event of a passing fatigue. ginseng promotes vigilance and memory, helping maintain good cognitive performance and supports vitality. Yerba mate has stimulant properties which support the body's resistance to physical and mental fatigue. Trace elements, including zinc which supports cognitive function, and magnesium which contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, complete the formulation. ERGYTONYL can be recommended to combat physical and/or mental fatigue, stress, overwork and during periods of intense work or during examinations. Ginseng:1430 mg* Eleutherococcus:1104 mg* Yerba Mate:552 mg* Magnesium:56 mg (15 % NRV**) Zinc:3 mg (30 % NRV**)
Pa - Полиамид

Pa - Полиамид

Belongs to the most popular thermoplastics with constructional application. It owes its popularity to special properties, such as high mechanical strength, excellent sliding properties, high impact resistance, good chemical resistance, damping ability and machinability (turning, milling, cutting)
MEDITERRANEUS MAN BODY GEL - Гел за баня с невен и хамамелис

MEDITERRANEUS MAN BODY GEL - Гел за баня с невен и хамамелис

Gel de baño con activos hidratantes y extractos naturales de Caléndula y Hamamelis que ayuda a relajar los músculos, mejorar la circulación sanguinea, limpia y cuidan la piel del cuerpo dejándola suave, sana y nutrida. Elaborado con agua termal. Perfecto para después de ejercicio físico. Ideal para el uso diario.


2.55€ TTC
Дезодорант 'Sauvage' - Стик

Дезодорант 'Sauvage' - Стик

Les déodorants La main d’Edna vous assureront une protection anti odeur sans faille, tout en prenant soin de votre peau et de votre santé. Beurre de karité, huile de coco, cire végétale, bicarbonate de sodium Parfum : bois de figuier
Гел за контур на очите против стареене 15 мл - Контур на очите

Гел за контур на очите против стареене 15 мл - Контур на очите

Arnica: Arnica: Extract from the Montana plant. Helps regulate skin discoloration such as bruising. Works in conjunction with other active ingredients to support circulation regulation and reduce the appearance of color unevenness around the eyes. Caffeine: Caffeine: Speeds up the healing of skin cells and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Accelerates circulation by preventing inflammation and eliminates dark circles/spots. Revitalizes the skin's appearance by providing energy to the skin. Provides protection against UV rays. Green tea: While protecting the sensitive skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, it also prevents premature aging of the skin by nourishing it. Its effect on cell regeneration is quite strong. It is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Aloe vera Extract: Aloe vera, which is a powerful and natural moisturizer, also contains vitamins that are good
Agarta Eau De Cologne Лимон 200 Ml 80 Градуса

Agarta Eau De Cologne Лимон 200 Ml 80 Градуса

Zitrone, eine der energiegeladensten Zitrusfrüchte, und ihre Essenz kommen in Agarta Köln zusammen und bieten eine wunderbare Kühle und Frische. Agarta Lemon Cologne war da, um Ihnen dieses Gefühl zu vermitteln. SKU:8779808 UPC:AGK-86965441